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Sustainable building

Sustainable building

We will open our future Boutique Guesthouse-Moncarapacho in the Algarve in the summer of 2025 and we want to build it as sustainably as possible. As a Casa do Campo, we are partly obliged to do so.

Because we have been spending a few years on our own plot in our temporary home, we are much more aware of nature. All the water we use in our caravan and bathroom goes directly through plastic pipes to the plants in the garden.

During the dry period from May to October we have to be very economical with water in the Algarve. And it is precisely during this period that our young Mediterranean garden requires irrigation! It would be a shame to just let all that water you use disappear into the ground!

The sun shines here more than 300 days a year, so solar panels are a must for generating energy.

Sustainability is expensive
On top of our normal construction budget, about 75,000 euros extra will be added to be able to build sustainably! We think it is important to apply this during construction and not afterwards.

We will carry out the construction and operation of Boutique Guesthouse-Moncarapacho sustainably in accordance with the ESG frameworks (ESG = Environmental, Social and Governance). In our case, the point is that sustainable construction and business operations must meet the requirements of the present without endangering the possibilities of future generations.

Investment funds
Our thanks for the 55,000 euros that have already been lent to us by future guests and investors. We want to invest these investment funds (from the anticipation discount promotion or money lent at interest ) in this sustainability. Boutique Guesthouse-Moncarapacho will implement the ESG aspects below as follows:

Environment: Climate change & minimizing CO2 emissions
We want to use underfloor heating with heat pump via solar collectors, air conditioning and other electricity based on solar panels and maximum energy efficiency through extensive application of smart-home facilities.

Environment: Energy efficiency
The entire complex will be insulated in accordance with A+ standard. Not only interior and exterior insulation of walls, but also maximum roof insulation and specially coated glass in windows and sliding doors.

Environment: Water scarcity
The rainwater and the water that we and our guests use will be collected and used for irrigation of the garden. We want to have a roller cover made on the water for the swimming pool. This retains heat during the night and evaporation, but also for safety. Because the deck is very sturdy, a small child cannot fall into the pool and drown in an unattended moment.

Environment: Waste management
When purchasing, Boutique Guesthouse-Moncarapacho will avoid unnecessary packaging material as much as possible. Daily operations include extensive waste separation and recycling where possible.

Environment: Biodiversity
To protect and/or restore biodiversity, Boutique Guesthouse-Moncarapacho will actively contribute to local ecological initiatives, such as protecting the seahorse population in the Ria Formosa, protecting chameleons and setting up bee hotels on its own property and/or in the immediate vicinity. environment.

Photo: relocation of the typical Portuguese carob tree

Photo: olive harvest at our neighbors

Social: Impact on communities
We use the services of local entrepreneurs as much or exclusively as possible and, where possible, actively cooperate and contribute financially to local agencies and associations focused on community services.

Social: Customer satisfaction
The legally required complaints book in Portugal will also be used in this context for reporting on customer and user experiences and actions taken accordingly.

Social: Privacy and data protection
Within our business operations, we will limit the registration of personal data to a minimum and comply with the legal obligations regarding Privacy and Data Protection as included in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In addition, we will protect the privacy and anonymity of our customers as much as possible.

Economic: Do locally what can be done locally
The concept of economic sustainability is often used in relation to environmental sustainability, as the two are interrelated. We use products from our own grounds or from our immediate neighbors as much as possible, such as olive oil, honey, vegetables and herbs.

Photo: olive oil from our neighbors

Board: Sustainability reporting
From its inception, Boutique Guesthouse-Moncarapacho's business operations have been designed in such a way that, as soon as required, the European regulation on mandatory sustainability reporting on Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), as laid down in the European Sustainability, can be fully implemented. Reporting Standards (ESRS).

Investing in sustainability
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Published 26-02-2023 / Copyright © Guesthouse-Moncarapacho